
The New Year

In less than two weeks, God willing, another year of life will have passed. Yesterday cannot be recalled, tomorrow cannot be assured, so today, now, is all the time we have. How foolish that some have wasted the yesterdays that are passed, ignore the opportunities of today, and wish for  tomorrows before they reach us. It is true now, as always, that the future is uncertain.

As we anticipate another year, remember that the New Year will be what we make of the one-time opportunities the next twelve months will bring. Paul counsels us to “redeem” the time carefully (Eph. 5:16). We may joke about “New Year’s resolutions,” but without resolve the New Year will be less than it should. The unique value of the coming year will be damaged if we fail to act energetically; this coming year is ours to do with as we will.

In view of all this, let me offer a few suggestions which might be used to make the New Year a good one. I doubt that any of these suggestions will amaze you, but they are things which I believe every person can profit from doing.

First, let us resolve to be faithful. There will be obstacles to overcome in the course of the New Year, Satan will see to this. We must be faithful to finish our course (2 Tim. 4:7). We must “lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us and run with patience the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1). Without a doubt there will be mistakes, failures and disappointments in the New Year. We must do our best to correct and overcome them. They must not deter us from the accomplishment of our goal (I Cor. 15:58).

Second, let us resolve to study God’s Word more this next year. We should acknowledge with the Psalmist, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path” (Psa. 119:105). As we embark on this New Year’s journey, let us “ask for the old paths, where is the good way and walk therein” (Jer. 6:16). What more important use can a Christian make of his time than in studying the Word of God? 

Finally, let each one of us resolve that we will live one day at a time in this New Year. Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matt. 6:34). Let each of us begin every new day resolving that I will live this day in a way that will be pleasing to the Lord. If we do this, then when this year has flown by, we will be able to look back with no regrets but with a sense of satisfaction and contentment instead. 

Our obedience to God, as He has revealed Himself through His word, is the only way to ensure that our New Year will be a happy one as it prepares us for eternity with Him.