Say “No” to a Nebulous New Year
1 Corinthians 9:26 -“Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air.” Often we approach the New Year with good intentions, but little direction. We know we want to be better for the Lord, but our goals are often nebulous and vague. We run, but “without aim.” To be more successful in pleasing the Lord in 2011, we should make a plan composed of specific goals.
“I am going to be a better Christian” is a far less helpful goal than “I am going to devote the first hour of every day to prayer and reading.” Other goals may include the decision to call two shut-ins per week to check on them, to go out of our way to do something kind for someone at least once per week, to stop everything three times a day and pray like Daniel (Dan. 6:10), or use an accountability partner for temptations we’ve failed to defeat in the past. The elders at PSD understand the folly in running without aim and have created a specific plan for the congregation in 2011; what will your personal plan be?