Pray For Our Country
Most of the world’s population lives without religious freedom. According to a Pew Research Center report entitled ”Latest Trends in Religious Restrictions and Hostilities,” in 2013 77% of all humanity (5.5 billion people) lived in countries where the level of restriction on religion was “high” or “very high.” These are “overall” levels of restriction, resulting not only from government policies but also from social groups, organizations and individuals.
Among the 25 most populated countries in the world, China had the strictest government restrictions in 2013, while India had the most extreme level of “social hostilities involving religion.” Egypt, Indonesia, Russia and Pakistan were among the world’s most populated countries with the highest overall levels of restriction on religion.
Considering these facts, we should be deeply grateful to live in America. What a blessing it is to have religious freedom in this great country of ours! While it is true that many Christians in America face some level of religious restriction or persecution from one source or another, still we live in one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world.
Let us pray fervently for this nation and its leaders, that Christianity may continue to be allowed and, even more, that true Christianity may flourish and spread in these increasingly wicked times. Paul wrote to Timothy, ”First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
Freedom of religion is not the point of that passage; freedom of Christianity is. Saints should pray that those who are in authority would govern in such a way that Christians may be allowed to live undisturbed and peaceful lives without restrictions imposed on their “godliness and dignity (seriousness).” Do we — do you — pray for our elected officials, from the federal level to the local level, that this kind of freedom would continue?
Prayer can make a difference in how this country, our state and the city of Altamonte Springs is operated. Prayer has the power to alter elections, to influence politicians and, yes, even to change Washington. Trust in the power of prayer — it works!
In addition to praying for America, we should also lift up to God other countries, especially countries like China, India, Russia, Egypt and Pakistan, where persecution abounds and restriction on religion is high. Pray for the leadership in these countries and for the safety of those who claim the name of Christ within them.
Although the religious state of affairs in America and around the world seems to be getting worse all the time, we must not allow anxiety to consume us. Instead, we should raise our petitions to the Lord, trusting implicitly in His power to help. Doing so will usher in His peace to guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:6-7).