Scripture Memorization
Scripture Memorization
God’s word is not meant to be external but internal, providing constant guidance from within at every turn in life. This is the meaning of Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.” One of the most effective ways to fill our heart with God’s word is to memorize scripture.
The process of memorization is actually a form of meditation. The Hebrew word for meditate, hagah, literally means to mutter (speak under one’s breath). What does muttering have to do with meditation? Meditation involves repeating a concept again and again in one’s mind and often with one’s mouth. This is precisely how memorization occurs — through a process of diligent, focused repetition. By memorizing scripture, we are ascending to increasingly higher levels of understanding of the mind of God, whether we realize it or not.
I am convinced that virtually anyone is capable of memorizing scripture, regardless of age or ability. All that is required is goal-setting and dedication. A good system also helps. Let me suggest three effective methods:
1. Flip Cards
Purchase some postcard sized note cards. On one side of the cards write the book, chapter and verse of the passages you want to memorize. On the other side write the words of the verses, verbatim. Start with a small number of flip cards — ten or so. Every day take a few minutes to drill the cards until you obtain mastery of them. Even if you only spend five minutes a day doing this, you will see a difference. Consistency is the key. Once you memorize your initial set of flip cards, add one new card to the mix, then eventually another card, and so on. No matter how proficient you become, never throw away your old cards. You will need to continually refresh your memory on the passages you have already learned. As you continue adding new cards, you can eventually move the old cards into a different pile that you revisit weekly, then monthly.
2. Virtual Flip Cards
A convenient way to simplify the flip card process is to download the “Brainscape” app on your device. Within the app you can create custom virtual flip cards and drill them anywhere, anytime. It is the method I personally use.
3. A-Verse-a-Week
This method is simpler than the other two. Write down a verse on a card at the beginning of the week and carry it with you everywhere you go, drilling it whenever you have a chance. The next week, create a new memory verse card and focus on that card all week. Do this for an entire year and you will have memorized 52 verses!
Scripture memorization is indispensable in the Christian walk. Please consider starting today. Adding this simple habit to your life will give you a deeper wisdom of God’s ways and a richer indwelling of the word of Christ. —ADAM WILLINGHAM