On the Seminole Wekiva bike trail, I was stunned to see a giant chalk board on a fence. At the top left were the words, “Before I die, I want to…” followed by dozens of blanks. Passersby are supposed to stop and fill them in. Answers range from, “Overcome depression,” “Have a deep conversation with my dad,” “Travel the world barefooted,” “Fall in love,” and “Climb Mt. Everest.” I’ll never forget the blank I saw.
It simply said live. Before I die, I want to live. So simple, yet so profound! It reminded me of Jesus who said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b). We can never truly live without Jesus. Sin kills, but when we receive His grace and righteousness, we reign in life (Rom. 5:17). Jesus shows us by His life what it really means to live. To live is to be connected to the Life Giver. To live is to sacrifice self for the good of others. To live is to love, to worship, to laugh, to pray, to play, to feel, to embrace, to face your fears, to share your heart, to know there’s life beyond this one, to loosen your grip on this world, to flee sin, to make the righteous choice even when it’s hard, to put God first. Before I die, I want to live. Don’t you? Let’s let Jesus show us how!