
What Else the Storm Provided

What Else the Storm Provided


            Since I didn’t have time for a two-part sermon series, here are 4 more things the storm provided: 

            1) A glimpse at what’s most important in life.  Most things we thought were so important lost relevance in the storm.  If earthly possessions were our greatest concern, our treasure and hearts are clearly in the wrong place (Matt. 6:19-21).  Likely, we were most concerned for our souls and our loved ones.  Now that Irma is over, will we continue to show that same concern?

            2) An opportunity for thanksgiving.  It’s so easy to pray for God to spare us from the storm, then go about our business as if nothing happened.  Instead, let’s praise and thank Him for His deliverance!  “O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together.  I sought the LORD, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears!” (Psalm 34:3-4)

            3) An opportunity to practice patience.  It’s easy to treat people well when the AC works.  We’re so comfortable in America, the storm was a good test of how well our Christian living holds up under trial.  Like me, you probably have more work to do (Phil. 4:12-13). 

            4) An opportunity for service.  Irma gave us a great opportunity to love our neighbor as ourselves, to help them clean up afterward, to offer our generators and portable ac units, to call and check on them.  Our Master was right: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)