
Evangelism Challenge # 5: Memorize a One-liner

Evangelism Challenge

Your new evangelism challenge is to memorize what I talked about in my article today: the one-liner. Let me restate the one-liner I crafted and then provide some practical advice on how to put it to use. 

“All of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus’ death on the cross the answer. I have the privilege of helping people learn the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in its original form so they can be forgiven through His blood and have hope of everlasting life.”

As I said at the end of the article, I think we need to memorize this one-liner and use it often. I believe it’s an excellent way to pique the curiosity of people we know and love and to introduce them to the Gospel.

At this point, though, don’t worry about how and when to use it. Just memorize it. Write it down and tape it to your bathroom mirror or somewhere else you look at every day (I have it taped to my computer monitor). Or write it on an index card and carry it with you everywhere you go. Then repeat it out loud day after day until you know it forward and backward. 

That’s the challenge I’m presenting you with. Will you do it?