
Evangelism Challenge: Sign Up for Big Picture Emails

Evangelism Challenge: Sign Up for Big Picture Emails

Adam Willingham

In evangelism, nothing beats face-to-face Bible studies. Sometimes, however, that’s difficult to make happen. In our culture, people are busier than ever before. 

That’s why we’ve provided some tools to share Christ in a convenient way. One of these tools is a series of emails that teaches the basics of the gospel in a unique, fascinating way. People can sign up to receive these emails on our website, 

Two calls to action are prominently displayed on the home page. The second one says “SIGN UP FOR ‘BIG PICTURE OF THE BIBLE’ EMAILS.” All someone has to do is click on that button and fill out the form. Then they’ll receive one email every three days until the entire study is finished. 

If you are going to recommend the Big Picture emails to others (which I hope you will), you’ll need to read those emails first. Please consider going to the website and signing up for the emails today so you'll be prepared and excited to encourage others to do the same. This is an evangelistic opportunity ALL of us can use! Will you take a few moments sometime this week ( to sign up?


Bible Quiz

1. Who was the first convert in Philippi? 

a. Simon the Sorcerer

b. The Philippian jailer

c. Lydia

d. Priscilla


2. What did Jonah do in the stomach of the fish?

a. Prayed for deliverance

b. Thanked God for saving him

c. Blamed God for punishing him

d. Ignored God 


3. “In those days there was no _____ in Israel; every man did what was _____ in his own _____.” 



Scrambled answer key:

2. b. (Jon. 2:1-9)

1. c. (Acts 16:14-15)

3. king, right, eyes (Jgs. 17:6; 21:25)