
Evangelism Challenge: Keep the Ball Rolling

Evangelism is a process. While some are baptized “in the same hour of the night,” usually it happens over time, after you’ve made several efforts. 

For example, the process may begin when you mention Christ in a conversation with a friend and see interest on his part. Next, you may invite him to services. If he responds positively, you may then offer a Bible study or set up a study with a preacher. 

In most cases, people are converted after several months, even weeks, of these touches. Each interaction is another deposit in their knowledge and in your relationship. Eventually, with enough deposits, they may choose to take the giant leap of following Christ.

The key throughout this process is to keep the ball rolling. Stay in contact. Keep building the relationship. Don’t drop the ball by failing to make deposits. 

Your new evangelism challenge is to follow up with someone who has shown interest in the gospel at some point in the past. You can accomplish this task in a variety ways, depending on several factors. For example, you can:

-  Call just to chat

-  Text a Bible verse

-  Meet for coffee

 Send them a card

-  Invite them to services

-  Schedule a Bible study

One word of advice: be patient. If you can get them one step closer to Christ, you’ve done well. Never forget, it is God who causes the growth. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” (1 Cor. 3:6). 




Bible Quiz


1. What two men appeared with Jesus at the mount of transfiguration?

a. Joshua and Caleb

b. Samuel and Eli

c. Moses and Elijah

d. Cain and Abel


2. In the time of Nehemiah, how long did it take the people to rebuild the temple once they set their mind to it?

a. 52 days

b. 53 days

c. 54 days

d. 55 days


3. “In God I have put my _____, I shall not be _____. What can _____ do to me?”

Scrambled answer key:

1. c (Luke 9:30-31). 3. trust, afraid, man (Psa. 56:11 NASB).  2. a. (Neh. 6:15).