
A True Wonder!

A True Wonder!


            For thousands of years, the great pyramids of Egypt have baffled scientists and engineers.  It’s one the “7 wonders of the ancient world.” How in the world did they move 4,000 lb. blocks of limestone without wheels?  Recently, we’ve discovered they dragged them across the sand using sleds.  Brilliantly, the Egyptians poured water on the sand which reduced the friction, kept the sand from clumping, and allowed the sled to glide across with half the effort!  How mind boggling that man could move millions of those massive stones with primitive tools!

            Now, what if I told you we can move God?  If it’s a mind boggling wonder to think we can move 4,000 lb. stones across the desert floor, how much more the thought that we can move God?  “Thus the LORD was moved by prayer for the land, and the plague was held back from Israel.” (2 Sam. 24:25b).  We can move God in prayer!  He will act in our lives if we ask Him in faith!  Now that’s a true wonder!  Of course, God isn’t moved by our strength or pulled by a sled.  He’s moved by His own grace and compassion, yet through prayer He’s given us the gift of moving Him to action on our behalf.  Are you moving God in your life?