Evangelism Challenge: Write a Letter
Evangelism Challenge: Write a Letter
Many Christians are intimidated at the thought of conducting one-on-one Bible studies or even talking to someone about the gospel in casual conversation. While all of us can learn to do those things, perhaps some will find writing letters less intimidating.
What does writing letters have to do with evangelism? Ask Matthew. Or Mark or Luke or John. They all thought it best to record the story of Jesus’ life in written form in order to convince people that Jesus is Lord. Near the conclusion of John’s gospel, he explicitly stated that Jesus’ miracles included in the letter “have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name” (20:31). I wonder how many souls have been saved by the four gospels!
Your new evangelism challenge is to write a letter to someone you know and love who doesn’t know the Lord. Consider praying first about what to write. Be sure to mention something spiritual in the letter in an effort to, at minimum, plant a seed that can be watered later.
People love hand-written cards and letters. They read them. And keep them. This is why writing letters can be a very effective method of evangelism.
Bible Quiz
1. King Herod (Agrippa) killed which apostle?
a. James
b. John
c. Peter
d. Judas
2. King Herod (Agrippa) put which apostle in prison, intending to have him killed but failing to?
a. James
b. John
c. Peter
d. Judas
3. “Charm is _____ and beauty is _____, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be _____.”
Scrambled answer key:
3. deceitful, passing, praised (Prov. 31:30 NKJV). 2. c. (Acts 12:3-19). 1. a. (Acts 12:1-2).