
Do You Have Enough Faith To Sink?

Do You Have Enough Faith To Sink?


            In Matthew 14, Jesus and His disciples are on a boat “a long way from the land.” What Peter didn’t know, is that he was about to be faced with a monumental decision. We find Jesus in verse 25 walking on the sea, leaving the disciples “terrified,” crying out in fear.


            The following story has many applications for us today. Peter calls to Jesus, “‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ Peter got out of the boat and walked on water, seeking Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink cried out to Jesus. Interestingly, Peter is bold enough to get out of the boat and walk on water! Unfortunately, when the strong winds came, Peter got nervous, took his eyes off Jesus, and sank due to his distracted faith.


            One lesson to be learned is how we should never doubt God, and always trust that with Him anything is possible. Additionally, I would like to challenge everyone to take a moment and consider who showed strong faith here. While we often rail on Peter’s faltering faith, I think he gets some unfair criticism.


            When the story is examined, we realize how good of an example Peter is. Peter was bold, brave, and faithful. He was willing to try, despite the danger and fear of attempting to walk on water. Is my faith that strong?


            Often the focus of this story is Peter’s failing faith. Perhaps the focus should be his active faith. I wonder if my faith is as strong as Peter’s. Or is my faith like the disciples who never left the boat? Regrettably, sometimes the answer is yes. Do I have such a trust in the Lord that I would “walk on water” if He asks? I should!


 Our faith in God is the most important thing in this life. However, our faith will come with peaks, valleys, and even failure. Peter’s faith was so strong that he was willing to leave the safety of the boat and walk on water. Yes he fell, but at least he tried! He sank, but he accepted the challenge!


            Peter was willing to risk drowning for Jesus. The rough weather, fear, and seemingly impossible task he was given did not dissuade him. We should strive for faith like that!


            We should strive for faith that says, “No matter how often I fall, I will get back up.” We should seek faith that says, “Thy will be done.” We should live a life that worries solely about loving God and keeping His commandments (John 14:15).


            It’s easy to be a “disciple in the boat,” to be a Christian when it is safe and doesn’t cause any personal discomfort or risk. It’s God’s expectation that we sacrifice our lives for Him, and have a faith that moves us to do the impossible. The question is: “Do you have enough faith to sink?”