God’s Grace Reigns
God’s Grace Reigns
Elisha’s life teaches a profound truth: despite the downfall of sinful kings and their followers, God’s grace reigns in the lives of His people. In 2 Kings 2, God purifies the waters of Jericho. In 2 Kings 4, God saves a poor widow from the loss of her sons. He wipes her debt away. He blesses a Shunammite woman with a child. When the child dies, God raises him from the dead. He saves a band of prophets from poisonous stew and feeds a famished multitude. In 2 Kings 5, He saves a pagan Gentile from leprosy.
These were part of the 7,000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal (1 Kgs. 19:18). These were the faithful. These were people who turned to God in their distress (2:19; 4:40,43), who served God (4:1), who reserved a room for God’s prophet (4:10), who traveled from foreign lands to find God’s healing (5:5). 1 and 2 Kings are mostly depressing, but God is always there! It may seem like sin is reigning through wicked kings, but God’s grace is always on the throne for those who turn to Him in faith (Romans 5:20-21).