Marriage Challenge: Give a Gift
Marriage Challenge: Give a Gift
Everyone appreciates gifts, some more than others. If your spouse consistently expresses her love for you by buying and making gifts, chances are gift-giving is her love language. She wants you to give her gifts.
Try giving your spouse a random gift sometime before the holidays. You don’t have to spend money to make it special. You can simply make a card or pick some flowers. If you do spend money, remember that even the simplest gifts communicate love. It’s the thought that counts.
After you do this, you might be surprised how happy unexpected gifts make your spouse and decide to start giving them more often. That’s my hope.
“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor.” -Romans 12:10, NASB
Bible Quiz
1. Who was the only woman Judge?
a. Deborah
b. Delilah
c. Dorcas
d. Diane
2. What was the tower called that Noah’s descendants built high into the sky?
a. Tower of Siloam
b. Tower of David
c. Tower of Shechem
d. Tower of Babel
3. Corresponding to that, _____ now saves you—not the removal of _____ from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good _____—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Scrambled answer key:
2. d. (Gen. 11:1-9). 1. a. (Jgs. 4:4-5). 3. baptism, dirt, conscience (1 Pet. 3:21).