
Embrace Feedback in 2019

Embrace Feedback in 2019


            Someone once said, “To reject feedback is to reject a better version of yourself.”  In Amos’ day, the Israelites didn’t want prophetic feedback.  Truth made them feel bad.  “You commanded the prophets saying, ‘You shall not prophesy!’” (Amos 2:12).  When Amaziah accused Amos to the king, he said, “Amos has conspired against you in the midst of the house of Israel; the land is unable to endure all his words.” (Amos 7:10).  God’s feedback was too much to “endure.”  How tragic!  If only they listened, then justice would “roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (5:24). 

            In 2019, let’s resolve to be open to feedback from God and others.  Truth may hurt our feelings and pride, but good feedback is the path to the best version of ourselves.  “He whose ear listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.” (Proverbs 15:31).  Constructive criticism is painful, but it constructs our character.  Without it, we’ll never grow.  Let’s be determined to have thicker skin and stronger toes this year.  If God’s word or God’s people need to correct us, let’s say, “Bring it on!” “You shall prophesy!” “I’m able to endure your words!”