You Matter
You Matter
Last week at Crane’s Roost Park, a lady handed us a stack of cards with the words, “You Matter” on them. It made me feel good! Apparently, this a movement by the “You Matter Compassion Project” started to “bring hope to those who are discouraged, disenfranchised or don’t know their significance in the world.” ( I’m grateful for the kindness behind the movement, but God is nowhere to be found on their website. They want to “change the world” simply by telling people “you matter” without telling them why they matter!
We live in a world where people so desperately want to matter, but we teach them they’re just meat computers randomly evolved from fish. If all we are is matter, we don’t matter at all. Without God, we don’t matter. With Him, we have value, dignity, purpose, meaning, and destiny! You matter, you really do! But not because someone hands you a card that says “You Matter.” You matter because God made us in His image and when we corrupted that image, His Son came and died on a cross to restore us. A card can never prove we matter; the cross does every time. “By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him.” (1 John 4:9)