It Starts with You
It Starts with You
Where did salvation for the Jews through Esther start? It wasn’t with the king who, on a sleepless night, read the records of Mordecai’s deliverance. Without someone writing that record, the deliverance wouldn’t matter. It wasn’t Mordecai’s deliverance, because without Esther as queen, the king would have no way to know Mordecai delivered him. It wasn’t even when Esther became queen because without Mordecai, Esther wouldn’t have been in position to become queen.
It all started with a single event; when Mordecai adopted Esther. “Mordecai was bringing up Hadassah, that is Esther…when her father and her mother died, Mordecai took her as his own daughter.” (Esther 2:7). Or did it? After all, without Moredecai’s parents there would be no Mordecai to adopt Esther, right?
The truth is, the chain reaction God used to deliver the Jews can’t be traced to a single event or person, but by God using each person’s choices in the moment along the way. God’s providence starts with you. With me. Right where we are, making righteous choices in the moment that can send ripples into future generations. The future always starts with what you and I do with the now.