Tips for Family Bible Reading
1) Appreciate the value. When your kids grow up, they’ll never forget the times they sat together as a family reading the Bible. You’re planting precious seeds and showing them God’s Word is a priority (2 Timothy 3:15). 2) Be consistent. If Bible time is random and sporadic, the kids’ll be confused and getting them together will be like herding cats. If the family knows it’s Bible time every night after dinner or the same three nights a week, there are no surprises (Psalm 1:2). 3) Use a readable translation. Try the ESV, NASB, or if they’re really young, an illustrated Bible. 4) Read with enthusiasm! If your Bible reading sounds like a Ben Stein Cleareyes commercial, the message you’ll send to your kids is, “The Bible is boring.” (Psalm 119:97)
5) Be brief. Maybe just read one chapter or one story together, 10-15 minutes a day or a few times a week. Just get the big picture, no need to preach till midnight. 6) Emphasize God. What does the passage teach us about God? How does it motivate us to love Him and appreciate Him more? 7) Encourage participation. Have them take turns reading, ask about their favorite part, and encourage questions. 8) Pray together. This shows them how to connect to the Author who gave us the Bible. 9) Don’t give up. When first starting, they’re going to squirm in their seats and whine. They may even need discipline in the middle of Bible time. Just stay the course, it’s beyond worth it!