
Bible Bits and Bible Quiz

Be Doers of the Word


“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” -James 1:22


Some believers are nominal Christians, willing to hear the word of God but not to put it into practice. On occasion they manage to attend services, read the Bible, pray, do good deeds, and resist temptation. They agree that the Bible is God’s word, that following it is important, and that Jesus is Lord.


Despite all this, they are merely hearers of the word, not doers. They don’t love their enemies, help the weak, give generously to the church, pray without ceasing, attend services regularly, or turn away from habitual sin. Is this a description of you? If so, please don’t delude yourself any longer. Admit you’re merely a hearer of the word and commit your life to actively do what God’s word says.





Bible Quiz


1. How many loaves of bread and how many fish did the apostles have before Jesus fed the 5,000?

a. 12 loaves, 7 fish

b. 7 loaves, 3 fish

c. 5 loaves, 2 fish

d. 3 loaves, 3 fish


2. Elisha told an impoverished widow to pour her jar of _____ into many vessels.

a. oil

b. flour

c. wheat

d. spices


3. But seeing the wind, he became _____, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and  said to him, “You of little _____, why did you _____?”



Scrambled answer key

1. c. (Matt. 14:17). 3. frightened, faith, doubt (Matt. 14:30-31). 2. oil (2 Kgs. 4:1-7).