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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/17/22 Jesus, the Ultimate Example of Hospitality Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 04-17-20-LS.mp3
04/17/22 Edification Through Hospitality Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Sun Bible Study 04-17-22-C1.mp3
04/17/22 You Can't Make this Up! Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 04-17-22-AM.mp3 Bulletin_-_April_17th_2022.pdf
04/13/22 Putting Edification into Practice - Part 2 Brian Messerli Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Wed Bible Study 04-13-22.mp3
04/10/22 Edification through Loyalty Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 04-10-22_AM.mp3 04-10-22_Loyalty_-_Ruth_-_Outline_only.pdf
04/10/22 Jesus the Master Edifier Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 04-10-22-LS.mp3
04/10/22 Putting Edification into Practice Brian Messerli Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Sun Bible Study 04-10-22-CL.mp3
04/06/22 Importance of Edification - Part 2 Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Wed Bible Study 04-06-22-C1.mp3
04/03/22 Lords Supper Song Service Matt Dow Gospel Meeting Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Lord’s Supper Service Lords_Supper_Song_Service.mp3
04/03/22 True Worship Matt Dow Gospel Meeting Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Sun Bible Study True_Worship.mp3
04/03/22 Congregational Singing in the NT Matt Dow Sermon Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Praise and Preaching Service Congregational_Singing_in_the_NT.mp3
04/02/22 Fundamentals of Rhythm Matt Dow Workshops for Members Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Workshop for Members Fundamentals_of_Rhythm.mp3
04/02/22 Fundamentals of Pitch Matt Dow Workshops for Members N/A Workshop for Members Fundamentals_of_Pitch.mp3
04/02/22 Song Worship Preparation and Leadership Matt Dow Workshops for Members Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Workshop for Members Song_Worship_Preparation_and_Leadership.mp3
04/01/22 Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Matt Dow Gospel Meeting Sing and Rejoice - Singing Workshop Gospel Meeting
03/27/22 Jesus: The Master Edifier Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 03-27-22-LS.mp3
03/27/22 The Importance of Edification Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Adult Class 03-27-22-C1.mp3
03/27/22 The Power of Worshipping Together Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 03-27-22_AM.mp3
03/23/22 Evangelism Opportunities - Part 2 Brian Messerli Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Wed Bible Study 03-23-22.mp3
03/20/22 Developing Real Intimacy Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 03-20-22-AM.mp3 03-20-22_-_Outline_only.pdf
03/20/22 Friend to the Outcasts Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 03-20-22-LS.mp3
03/20/22 Evangelism Opportunities - Part 1 Brian Messerli Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Sun Bible Study 03-20-22.mp3
03/16/22 Lesson 9: Members Involvement in Evangelish (continued) Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Wed Bible Study 03-16-22.mp3
03/13/22 Jesus, Always Eager to Forgive Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk Lord's Supper Talk Lord’s Supper Service 03-13-22-LS.mp3
03/13/22 Lesson 9: Members Involvement in Evangelism Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Committed to Spiritual Growth Sun Bible Study 03-13-22-C1.mp3

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