

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1867

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/17/24 Isaiah 18-19 Brian Messerli Bible Class Isaiah Sun Bible Study 11-17-24-C1.mp3
11/17/24 Jesus Our Standard Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 11-17-24-LS.mp3
11/13/24 Isaiah 16-17 David Weaver Bible Class The Book of Isaiah Pt. 1 Wed Bible Study 11-13-24-C1.mp3
11/10/24 How to Love People You Disagree With Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 11-10-24.mp3
11/10/24 Isaiah 14 - 15 David Weaver Bible Class The Book of Isaiah Pt. 1 Adult Class 11-10-24-C1.mp3
11/10/24 Christ's Humility: A Call to Remember and Reflect Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 11-10-24-LS.mp3
11/06/24 Isaiah 13 Brian Messerli Bible Class Isaiah Wed Bible Study 11-06-24-C1.mp3
11/03/24 Profitable Faith Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 11-03-24-AM.mp3
11/03/24 Isaiah 11-12 Brian Messerli Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study 11-03-24-C1.mp3
11/03/24 How Deep the Father's Love Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 11-03-24-LS.mp3
10/27/24 1 Samuel 23-24 - David Spares Saul's Life Dwayne Gandy Bible Class Life and Character of David Sun Bible Study
10/27/24 Why Should I care About God? The antidote for religious Apathy Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service
10/27/24 Isaiah 10 Brian Messerli Bible Class Isaiah Sun Bible Study 10-27-24-C1.mp3
10/27/24 Jesus came to Justify Sinners, Not Sin Dwayne Gandy Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10-27-24-LS.mp3
10/23/24 Isaiah 8 - 9 Brian Messerli Bible Class Isaiah Wed Bible Study 10-23-24-C1.mp3
10/20/24 Daniel 2.0 Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10-20-2024-LS.mp3
10/20/24 Parting with Partiality Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 10-20-24-AM.mp3
10/20/24 Isaiah 6-7 Brian Messerli Bible Class The Book of Isaiah Pt. 1 Sun Bible Study
10/16/24 Isaiah 4-5 David Weaver Bible Class The Book of Isaiah Pt. 1 Wed Bible Study 10-16-24-C1.mp3
10/13/24 Remember the True King Brian Messerli Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service
10/13/24 Isaiah 3 David Weaver Bible Class The Book of Isaiah Pt. 1 Sun Bible Study 10-13-24-C1.mp3
10/09/24 Isaiah 2 Brian Messerli Bible Class Isaiah Wed Bible Study
10/06/24 James 1:16-27 Dwayne Gandy Sermon N/A Praise and Preaching Service 10-6-24-AM.mp3
10/06/24 The Test of the Two Trees Brian Messerli Lord's Supper Talk N/A Lord’s Supper Service 10-6-2024-LS.mp3
10/02/24 Hebrews Review Joe Rimmer Bible Class Hebrews Wed Bible Study 10-02-24-C1.mp3

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1867

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